ACHARD, Eugène «La Grande Découverte de l'Ouest Canadien» Montréal, Éditions Eugène Achard, 1958. 95 p. (21 cm). Nouvelle édition revue et mise à date. Illustrations. (Inv. #25786) 15 $
AKENSON, Donald Harman «The Irish in Ontario. A Study in Rural History» Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1985. 404 p. (23 cm). Illustrations and tables; some pencil underlinings. (Inv. #35394) 15 $
(ALBERTA SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD) «Annual Report of the Alberta Social Credit Board for the Year ending December 31, 1942» (Edmonton), A. Shnitka, King's Printer, (1943). 34,(1) p. (22 cm). Caption title. Presented to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta at its 1943 Session. (Inv. #1603) 15 $
(ALBERTA SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD) «Annual Report of the Social Credit Board for the Year ending December 1943» (Edmonton), A. Shnitka, King's Printer, (1944). 42 p. (19 cm). Original card wraps. Presented to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta at its Ordinary Session, 1944. (Inv. #1613) 15 $
(ALBERTA SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD) «Annual Report of the Social Credit Board for the Year ending December 1944» (Edmonton), A. Shnitka, King's Printer, (1945). 34 p. (19 cm). Original card wraps. Presented to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta at its Ordinary Session, 1945. (Inv. #1614) 15 $
(ALBERTA SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD) «Prepare Now! A Suggested Programme of Post-War Reconstruction Embodying the Features Essential to British Democracy» Edmonton, Alberta, The Social Credit Board, January 1943. 72 p. (18 cm). Original color wraps. Resolutions adopted at a public conference on Post-War Reconstruction held in Edmonton on December 15-18, 1942. (Inv. #17759) 15 $
(ALBERTA SOCIAL CREDIT LEAGUE) «The Alberta Social Credit League. Constitution and By-Laws, effective January 1, 1955» Edmonton, Alberta, Head Office, (1955). 14 p. (15 cm). Cover title. (Inv. #20331) 20 $
(ALBERTA) «1948. L'Almanach français de l'Alberta» Edmonton, La Survivance, 1948. 64 p. (26 cm). Portraits et illustrations, nombreux textes historiques. (Inv. #32822) 25 $
(ALBERTA) «Alberta Poetry Year Book 1950» Edmonton, Edmonton Branch Canadian Authors' Association, 1950. 62 p. (20 cm). Anthology; fine copy. (Inv. #1044) 15 $
(ALBERTA) «Alberta Poetry Year Book 1951» Edmonton, Edmonton Branch Canadian Authors' Association, 1951. 71 p. (20 cm). Anthology; fine copy. (Inv. #1045) 15 $