(UNIFICATION HORAIRE) «Documents relatifs à l'Unification de l'Heure et à la Législation du nouveau mode de mesurer le temps» Ottawa, Imprimé par S.E. Dawson, 1891. 31 p. (25 cm). Couvertures imprimées d'origine avec léger manque. Illustration. Peu commun. (Inv. #5019) 35 $
(UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL) «Loi constituant en corporation l'Université de Montréal, sanctionnée le 14 février 1920» (Montréal, 1931?!). (12 p.). (23 cm). (Inv. #14673) 45 $
(UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL À MONTRÉAL) «Statuts et Règlements de l'Université Laval à Montréal» (Montréal, 1898). 70 p. (22 cm). Reliure en plein bougran, couvertures imprimées présentes. Peu commun. (Inv. #20024) 65 $
VEILLEUX, Gérard «Les relations intergouvernementales au Canada, 1867-1967. Les mécanismes de coopération» Montréal, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1971. 142 p. (20 cm). Tableaux. Bel exemplaire. (Inv. #14139) 15 $
WARDE, J.D «The Shareholders' and Directors' Manual containing a compendium of the Laws relating to joint stock Companies, and practical information as the steps to be taken and the proofs to be furnished in applying for Charters of Incorporation under the Acts of the Dominion of Canada...» Toronto, The Canada Railway News Co. Ltd., 1898. XII,392 p. (22 cm). Publisher's cloth. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. (Inv. #21228) 60 $
(WATER-POWERS) «RETURN (No. 102). To an address from the Legislative Assembly dated April 6th 1904. For: A statement showing: - The name and situation of the water-powers sold or leased by the province up to this date. 2. The estimated number of horse power available in each water-power. 3. To whom sold. 4. At what dates. 5. Prices and terms of sales or leases. 6. Number of horse-power developed and in operation in each such property at this date. 7. The amount of cash paid on account of purchases or leases. 8. Amount remaining due at this date. 9. A list of all water-powers belonging to the province which have been surveyed or reported upon and are ready for sale» Quebec, 1904. 25 p. (25 cm). Original wraps. (Inv. #28541) 35 $
WHITE, Andrew Dickson «Fiat Money Inflation in France. How it came, what it brought and how it ended. To which is added an extract from Macaulay showing the results of tampering with the currency of England; also a summary by Emile Levasseur, Director of the College of France and Member of the French Institute, indicating the results of "Fiat Money" during the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods of the United States of America» Toronto, Printed for Private Circulation, not to be reprinted or published, 1914. XI,76 p. (25 cm). New edition, revised and enlarged by the author. Original green cloth. Small edition of White's valuable account of the great currency-making experiment of the French Revolutionary Government. The actual work, revised and enlarged by the author for the purpose of the present issue, is of great interest to legislators, economic students and business. (Inv. #5940) 45 $
WICKSTEED, Gustavus William «Table of the Provincial Statutes and Ordinances in force or which have been in force, and by what subsequent Acts they have been amended, continued, repealed or otherwise affected. With a continuation of the Index to the Statutes in force, &c., to the end of the Session of 1857. ? Prepared by Order of the Legislative Assembly, on Motion of J.W. Gamble, Esq.» Toronto, Printed by Stewart Derbishire & George Desbarats, 1857. IV,184 p. (25 cm). Original half calf. Errata sheet. Very nice copy. (Inv. #20203) 125 $
YOUNG, John H «La politique commerciale du Canada» Ottawa, Commission Royale d'Enquête sur les Perspectives Économiques du Canada, 1958. 259 p. (25 cm). Reliure d'édition. Rapport soumis en novembre 1957. (Inv. #10532) 20 $