TURF KOPF MFG. CO «Racing Catalogue No. 21» New York, Kopf Mfg Co. Inc., 1952. 132 & 23 p. Oblong (21,5 X 28 cm). Profusely illustrated with turf goods under the mark of Kopf Brand Blue Ribbon offered to horsemen and trainers. With the price list. Nice condition, scarce. (Inv. #18288) 25 $
TURNER, Dan «The Expos Inside Out» Toronto, Mc Clelland and Stewart, 1983. 203 p. (24 cm). Publisher's cloth & pictorial (Gary Carter) dust jacket. Illustrations. Fine copy about the Montreal Expos baseball team. (Inv. #20610) 20 $
VERITY, Barbara «35 Places to Cross Country Ski in the Eastern Townships» Lennoxville, Townships Adventure Guides, 1996. 178 p. (22 cm). Maps and illustrations. (Inv. #32775) 15 $
VILLENEUVE, Card. J.-M.-Rodrigue «Culture physique au regard de l'Église. Conférence sous les auspices de la Ligue de Sécurité de Québec, donnée au Château Frontenac, le 8 janvier 1934» Québec, 1934. 24 p. (17 cm). Tract #5 de "L'Action Catholique". Ce titre comprend aussi une Ordonnance du Cardinal Villeneuve sur les plages et les bains publics! (Inv. #34668) 15 $
VINT, Bill «Warriors of Winter. The previously untold history of snowmobile racing» Milwaukee, Market Communications Inc., 1977. 232 p. (28 cm). Publisher's cloth and pictorial dust jacket. Nice copy with historical notice. Much material about Canada. Profusely illustrated. (Inv. #22604) 30 $
VIPOND, Jim «Gordie Howe Number 9» Toronto, Ryerson Press, 1968. XIV,157 p. (23 cm). Illustrations. Fine, in the pictorial dust jacket, showing Howe with Detroit (front, col.) and All Star Team (back, col.). Scarce with that dust jacket. Signed by author. (Inv. #6547) 25 $
(VOLLEYBALL) «1986-1987. Livre des règlements du volleyball» Vanier, Association Canadienne de Volleyball, 1986. 159 p. (14 cm). Illustrations. (Inv. #431) 20 $
(WATERLOO, FESTIVAL DU VÉLO) «Bienvenue! 3e Édition, Festival du Vélo des Cantons de l'Est, 8, 9, 10 & 17 août 97» Sans lieu, 1997. 60 p. (19 cm). Passage souligné; comprend un aperçu historique de Waterloo. Illustrations et portraits. (Inv. #28845) 15 $
WATSON, Ken «Ken Watson On Curling» Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal, Copp Clark, 1950. XIV,177 p. (23 cm). Publisher's cloth & pictorial dust jacket. Illustrations. (Inv. #8308) 20 $
WEIDER, Ben «Les hommes forts du Québec» Montréal, Éditions du Jour, 1973. 242 p. (20 cm). (Inv. #13653) 20 $