WILLISON, Sir John «The Outlook For Canada. A Speech delivered by Sir John Willison before the Canadian Club of Halifax. April 30, 1920» Toronto, Canadian Reconstruction Association, (1920?!). 14 p. (23 cm). Cover title. (Inv. #21066) 20 $
WILSON, Idele L «Citizen Tade Unionist» Toronto, Workers' Educational Association of Canada, 1945. 19 p. (16,5 cm). A W.E.A. Research Bulletin, No. 10. Illustrations. (Inv. #3618) 20 $
WILSON, Jane «Ottawa. More than a Capital City. A Contemporary Portrait» (Burlington), Windsor Publications Ltd, 1989. 332 p. (31 cm). Profusely illustrated in colour. Original brown cloth and pictorial dust jacket. Very nice copy. (Inv. #16892) 15 $
(WINDSOR, ON) «Mémoire au sujet de Paroisses Canadiennes-françaises à Windsor» London, 1914. 46 p. (28 cm). Texte de Francis Juneau et autres. Peu commun! (Inv. #29085) 35 $
WINTEMBERG, W.J «Folk-lore of Waterloo County, Ontario» Ottawa, Department of Resources and Development, 1950. VII,68 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 116, Anthropological Series No. 28. Original card wraps, nice condition. Content: the heavily bodies, natural phenomena, weather lore, animal lore, plant lore etc. (Inv. #6084) 15 $
WINTEMBERG, W.J «The Middleport prehistoric Village site» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Resources, 1948. V,79 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 199, Anthropological Series No. 27. Illustrations and 18 plates. A site near Brantford, Ontario. (Inv. #20992) 25 $
WISE, Sydney Francis «Les Grands Athlètes Canadiens» Don Mills, General Pub Co., 1976. 388 p. (28 cm). Très illustré. Les athlètes, leurs vies et leur temps. (Inv. #34175) 20 $
WITHROW, William H. & ADAM, G. Mercer «An abridged History of Canada. By William H. Withrow, D.D., F.R.S.C. Also an Outline History of Canadian Literature. By G. Mercer Adam» Toronto, William Briggs, 1887. VIII,232 p. (19 cm). Original cloth. (Inv. #1417) 15 $
WITTKE, Carl «A History of Canada» Montreal, The Cambridge Society Ltd., 1935. 443,(5) p. (24 cm). Original cloth, plates and maps. (Inv. #37333) 35 $
(WOMEN & LABOUR) «Women at Work in Canada» Ottawa, Department of Labour, 1957. 60 p. (24 cm). Women's Bureau, Department of Labour, Publication No. 1. A fact book on the female labour force of Canada. Tables and illustrations. (Inv. #22665) 20 $