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(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part 2: Atlantic Provinces» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1959. 27 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original card wraps. (Inv. #2333)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part 3: Quebec and Ontario» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1959. 49 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original cards. (Inv. #2334)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part 4: Prairie Provinces» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1959. 25 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original cards. (Inv. #2335)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part 5: British Columbia and Western Canada General» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1960. 35 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original card wraps. (Inv. #2336)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part 6: Northern Canada» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1959. 36 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original cards. (Inv. #2337)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Bibliography of Periodical Literature on Canadian Geography 1930 to 1955. Part I: Canada - General» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1959. 46 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 22. Original cards. (Inv. #2338)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Canadian Maps 1949 to 1954» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1956. VII,82 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 16. Original cards. (Inv. #2873)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Canadian Maps 1955-1956» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1958. IV,40 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 21. Original card wraps. (Inv. #2874)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Canadian Urban Geography» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1954. 80 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 13. Original card boards. (Inv. #2899)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Canadian Urban Geography» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1957. 100 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 13 (Revised Edition). Original card wraps. (Inv. #2900)
20 $

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