BACON, Joséphine «Champignons du nord-est de l'Amérique du Nord» (Montréal), Éditions Caractère, 2011. 160 p. (18 cm). Sur papier glacé, entièrement illustré en couleurs, un volume fort intéressant et en parfaite condition. (Inv. #34347) 15 $
BAIRD, David M «Guide de géologie à l'usage des visiteurs des parcs nationaux du Canada» Ottawa, Ministère du Nord Canadien et des Ressources Nationales, 1966. 168 p. (18 cm). Illustrations et carte. (Inv. #36740) 15 $
BALDWIN, W.K.W «Plants of the Clay Belt of Northern Ontario and Quebec» Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1958. VI,324 p. (25 cm). Illustrated with maps, photographs and figure. Original card cover; being National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 156. Nice copy. (Inv. #17417) 35 $
BALDWIN, W.K.W «Report on Botanical Excursion to the Boreal Forest Region in Northern Quebec and Ontario» Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1962. 107 p. (22 cm). Illustrations, maps and portraits. (Inv. #37857) 20 $
BALDWIN, W.K.W. & LEPAGE, E. et al «Botanical Excursion to the Boreal Forest Region in Northern Quebec and Ontario» Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1959. 119 p. (22 cm). Maps, illustrations from photographs, bibliography, original pictorial stiff wraps. Nice copy. (Inv. #2490) 20 $
BALDWIN, William Kirwin Wilcocks «Plants of the Clay Belt of Northern Ontario and Quebec» Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1958. VI,324 p. (25 cm). Map and illustrations. (Inv. #38625) 20 $
BALLU, Tony «Machines Agricoles» Paris, Librairie J.-B. Baillière et Fils, 1933. 560 p. (24 cm). Couverture en mauvaise condition, contenu bien acceptable, volume fortement illustré de la machinerie ancienne. (Inv. #35896) 20 $
BANFIELD, A.W.F «A Revision of the Reindeer and Caribou, Genus Rangifer» Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1961. VI,137 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 177. Illustrations and tables. (Inv. #38887) 20 $
BANFIELD, A.W.F «The Mammals of Banff National Park, Alberta» Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1958. V,53 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 159, Biological Series No. 57. Illustrations. (Inv. #20971) 15 $
BANFIELD, Alexander William Francis «Les Mammifères du Canada» (Québec), Presses de l'Université Laval, 1977. XXV,406,(26) p. (29 cm). Deuxième édition; reliure de l'éditeur et jaquette protectrice. Avec 26 pages de planches en couleurs; illustré, une part en couleurs et cartes. (Inv. #37808) 25 $