WALSH, H. ( edited by) «Stewards of a Goodly Heritage. A survey of the Church's Mission fields in Canada» No place, Issued by The Joint Committee on Summer Schools and Institutes of the Church of England in Canada, 1934. 128 & (25) p. (18 cm). Map & profusely illustrated. (Inv. #32032) 25 $
WEBB, Robert N «Challenge of Ice» Racine, Wisconsin, Whitman Publishing Co., 1963. 212 p. (20 cm). Original cloth; illustrations by Arnie Kohn. Being real life stories of Polar explorers. (Inv. #37248) 15 $
WILSON, Edward Francis «The Ojebway Language: a Manual for Missionaries and others employed among the Ojebway Indians. In three parts: PART I... The Grammar. / PART II... Dialogue and Exercises. / PART III... The Dictionary » (Ottawa), Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, (1968). 412 p. (16 cm). Facsimile reprint of the Toronto edition of 1874. Uncommon. (Inv. #31090) 35 $
WINTEMBERG, W.J «Roebuck Prehistoric Village Site, Grenville County, Ontario» Ottawa, Department of Mines, 1936. 178 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 83, Anthropological Series No. 19. Numerous plates and folding coloured map in the pocket. Library stamp. (Inv. #19213) 20 $
WINTEMBERG, W.J «The Middleport prehistoric Village site» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Resources, 1948. V,79 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 199, Anthropological Series No. 27. Illustrations and 18 plates. A site near Brantford, Ontario. (Inv. #20992) 25 $
WRIGHT, J.V «The Ontario Iroquois Tradition» Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1966. XII,195 p. (25 cm). Bulletin No. 210, Anthropological Series No. 75. Library stamps. With 19 plates. (Inv. #27333) 20 $
WRIGHT, J.V. «The Ontario Iroquois Tradition» Ottawa, National Museums of Canada, 1973. XII,195 p. (25 cm). Illustrations. (Inv. #32225) 20 $
ZAVATTI, Silvio «Indici della revista ESKIMO, 1944-1969» Civitanova Marche, Lito Tipografia Corsi, 1970. 23 p. (24 cm). "Istituto Geografico Polare, Pubblicazioni Bibliografiche" #1. Ouvrage bibliographique, avec texte en français. (Inv. #30165) 20 $