SCHNEIDER, Lucien «Dictionnaire des infixes de la langue esquimaude» (Québec), Ministère des Affaires Culturelles, Direction générale du Patrimoine, 1979. XI,364 p. (28 cm). Cachet mais bel exemplaire. (Inv. #36545) 25 $
SCHNEIDER, Lucien «Inuktituorutît, grammaire purement esquimaude» (Québec), Ministère des Affaires Culturelles, 1978. 133 p. (28 cm). Premier cycle en 40 leçons. Cachet mais bonne condition. (Inv. #29809) 25 $
SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry «A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and Other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States with Brief Critical Notices» Washington, C. Alexander Printer, 1849 (Montreal, Osiris Publications, 1973). 27,(1) p. (22 cm). Facsimile reprint of the original, limited to 75 numbered copies. (Inv. #38677) 30 $
SCHULTE, Wilhelm «Bilder und Blätter zum Silbernen Jubiläum der St. Joseph's Kolonie» Regina, The Western Printers Ass'n Ltd., 1930. 125,XXXIII,(1) p. (26 cm). In German; pictures and history about the Silver Jubilee of St. Joseph's Colony, Saskatchewan. With 34 pages of advertisements. (Inv. #26597) 60 $
SCHULTZ, Lieut.-Governor J.C «The Innuits of our Arctic Coast» Ottawa, Transaction of the Royal Society of Canada, 1894. pp 113-134. (29 cm). Cloth binding; cover title. (Inv. #20802) 25 $
SCHUSTER, Rudolf Mathias et al «The Terrestrial Cryptograms of Northern Ellesmere Island» Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1959. iii,132 p. (25 cm). Original cloth; illustrations. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin #164. (Inv. #38186) 20 $
SCHWARZ, Herbert T «Contes Érotiques Indiens» Montréal, Éditions du Jour, 1974. 103,(1) p. (25 cm). Reliure de l'éditeur et jaquette en couleurs. Illustrations en couleurs de Daphne Odjig. Peu commun. (Inv. #24601) 35 $
SCHWATKA, Frederick «Along Alaska's Great River. A Popular Account of the Travels of an Alaska Exploring Expedition along the Great Yukon River, from its Source to its Mouth, in the British North-West Territory, and in the Territory of Alaska. Together with the Latest Information on the Klondike Country» Chicago & New York, George M. Hill Co., 1900. 426 p. (24 cm). Original cloth slightly worn; fully illustrated. A narrative of the Alaska Military Reconnaissance (1883) with comments on the country traversed, the Inuits, the Indians and their customs. (Inv. #28534) 60 $
SERL, Vernon C. & TAYLOR, Herbert C. (editors) «Papers in Honour of Harry Hawthorn» Bellingham, Western Washington State College, 1975. V,103 p. (22 cm). Original pictorial wrappers. Report of a Symposium of the Northwest Scientific Assoc. Comprises: "A history of the Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia" by Audrey Hawthorn, "Harry and Audrey Hawthorn: an appreciation" by G.B. Inglis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, "Observations on the physiology of small groups" by V.C. Serl & N.J. Woods, University of Calgary, "Dynamics of the Fort Rupert class struggle; fighting with property vertically revisited" by Vernon Kobrinsky, University of Calgary. Very good copy. (Inv. #16980) 20 $
SETON, Ernest Thompson «The Arctic Prairies. A Canoe Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Lake Aylmer» New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911. 415 p. (23 cm). Original gilt decorated cloth, plates, illustrations, maps, damp staining to top and bottom margins throughout latter half of text block, still a good reading copy. (Inv. #37783) 65 $