ANDERSON, Duncan «Lays of Canada and Other Poems» Montreal, printed by John Lovell & Son, 1890. 116 p. (23 cm). Original cloth with gilt text. Very good copy. (Inv. #25923) 35 $
ANDERSON, Éric «La famille Toucourt en solo ce soir: théâtre» Montréal-Nord, VLB éditeur, 1981. 99 p. (23 cm). Illustrations. (Inv. #36375) 15 $
ANDERSON, Frank W «Bill Miner, Train Robber» Calgary, Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1968. 56 p. (21 cm). Illustrations and maps. Frontier Book No. 7. Biography of a master criminal of the Canadian and American West. (Inv. #2359) 12 $
ANDERSON, Hugh A «The Kinship of Two Countries. A History of The Canadian Club of New York 1903-1963» New York, The Canadian Club of New York Inc., 1964. XVI,190,(24) p. (22 cm). Original cloth and dust jacket. With 24 pages of photographies. (Inv. #20911) 20 $
ANDERSON, Rudolph Martin «Catalogue of Canadian Recent Mammals» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Resources, Mines and Geology Branch, 1946. V,238 p. (25 cm). National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 102, Biological Series No. 31. Map. Nice copy. (Inv. #3058) 25 $
ANDERSON, Rudolph Martin «Methods of Collecting and Preserving Vertebrate Animals» Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1960. VI,164 p. (25 cm). Bulletin #69, Biological Series #18. Third edition revised. Illustrations. (Inv. #15631) 20 $
ANDERSON, Stanley F «Je fais mon vin» Montréal, Éditions du Jour, 1970. 200 p. (20 cm). Illustrations. (Inv. #24796) 15 $
ANDISON, H «A Home-Made Sprayer for Attachment to a Tractor Power Take-Off» Ottawa, Canada Department of Agriculture, Science Service, Entomology Division, 1957. 8 p. (25 cm). Publication 1007. Illustrations. (Inv. #699) 15 $
ANDISON, Harry «Positive-Flow Band Applicator for Granular Soil Insecticides» Ottawa, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1954. 5 p. (25 cm). Publication 916. Cover title; illustrations. (Inv. #17539) 12 $
ANDRADE, José M. Pita «Cathédrales d'Espagne» Paris, Éditions des Deux Mondes, 1951. 67,136 p. (32 cm). Reliure de l'éditeur, bel exemplaire fortement illustré de 136 pages de photos héliogravées en noir et blanc. (Inv. #36397) 20 $