WILSON, Alice Evelyn et al «Contributions to the Study of the Ordovician of Ontario and Quebec» Ottawa, J.O. Patenaude, 1936. IV,133 p. (25 cm). With 9 plates. Memoir 202, Department of Mines, Bureau of Economic Geology. (Inv. #37740) 25 $
WILSON, Edward Francis «The Ojebway Language: a Manual for Missionaries and others employed among the Ojebway Indians. In three parts: PART I... The Grammar. / PART II... Dialogue and Exercises. / PART III... The Dictionary » (Ottawa), Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, (1968). 412 p. (16 cm). Facsimile reprint of the Toronto edition of 1874. Uncommon. (Inv. #31090) 35 $
WILSON, Idele L «Citizen Tade Unionist» Toronto, Workers' Educational Association of Canada, 1945. 19 p. (16,5 cm). A W.E.A. Research Bulletin, No. 10. Illustrations. (Inv. #3618) 20 $
WILSON, Jane «Ottawa. More than a Capital City. A Contemporary Portrait» (Burlington), Windsor Publications Ltd, 1989. 332 p. (31 cm). Profusely illustrated in colour. Original brown cloth and pictorial dust jacket. Very nice copy. (Inv. #16892) 15 $
WILSON, Larry «L'appel du Chibougamau» Montréal, Thérien Frères Ltée, 1956. 184 p. (18,5 cm). Historique d'une région minière du Québec ainsi divisée: la maison de Louis Hémon, le Rainbow Lodge, l'Épopée de l'Ungava, le vieux moulin. Cachet de biblio mais propre. (Inv. #30201) 20 $
WILSON, Lawrence M. (compiled by) «This was Montreal in 1814, 1815, 1816 and 1817. (Life in Canada's metropolis as culled verbatim from the Editorial, News and Advertising columns of The Montreal Herald, a four-page weekly newspaper published nearly 150 years ago» (Montreal), Privately Printed for The Château de Ramezay, 1960. 205,(12) p. (24 cm). Original cloth. Illustrations; limited to 1000 copies. signed by author. (Inv. #21466) 30 $
WILSON, M.-E «Régions d'Arnprior-Quyon et de Maniwaki, Ontario et Québec» Ottawa, Ministère des Mines, 1926. 162 p. (25 cm). Commission Géologique, Mémoire 136. Illustrations et cartes. (Inv. #37984) 20 $
WILSON, M.E «District de Noranda, Québec» Ottawa, Ministère des Mines et des Ressources, 1949. VIII,174 p. (25 cm). Commission Géologique, Mémoire 229. Avec 14 planches et cartes dans la pochette. Étude des terrains de la Mine Horne et des Mines Amulet, Waite-Ackerman-Montgomery et Powell-Rouyn. (Inv. #4970) 20 $
WILSON, M.E «Geology and Mineral Deposits of a Part of Amherst Township, Quebec» Ottawa, Department of Mines, 1919. III,54 p. (25 cm). Geological Survey, (Memoir 113), No. 96 Geological Series. Folding map in the pocket. Profusely illustrated. About Saint-Rémi district. (Inv. #6466) 25 $
WILSON, M.E «Gisements de Magnésite du district de Grenville, comté d'Argenteuil (Québec)» Ottawa, Ministère des Mines, 1918. 84 p. (25 cm). Commission Géologique, Mémoire 98. Illustrations et carte. (Inv. #37980) 20 $