WAISER, W.A «The Field Naturalist: John Macoun, the Geological Survey, and Natural Science» Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1989. X,(24), 253 p. (24 cm). Original cloth and dust jacket. Profusely illustrated. (Inv. #38608) 20 $
WAIT, F.G «Report of Analyses of Ores, Non-Metallic Minerals, Fuels, etc., made in the Chemical Laboratories during the years 1906, 1907, 1908» Ottawa, Department of Mines, 1909. 126,5 p. (25 cm). Published by the Mines Branch. (Inv. #18961) 20 $
WALKER, J.P «De Quoi Se Réjouir! Administration Avicole» (Montréal), La Banque Canadienne de Commerce, (1958?!). (24) p. Oblong (10,5 X 23,5 cm). Illustrations de Jack Cockburn. Peu commun. Titre de la couverture en couleurs. (Inv. #4491) 15 $
WALKER, John «Planting Trees and Hardwood Cuttings on the Canadian Prairies» Ottawa, Department of Agriculture, Experimental Farms Service, 1951. 13 p. (25 cm). Publication 864. Illustrations. (Inv. #17415) 12 $
WALKER, T.L «Report on the Molybdenum Ores of Canada» Ottawa, Department of Mines, 1911. 64,6 p. (25 cm). Large number of photographs and illustrations. (Inv. #33514) 25 $
WALKOF, Charles & NUTTALL, V.W «Hybrid Vegetables for Short-Season Gardens» Ottawa, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1955. 7 p. (25 cm). Publication 947. Cover title; tables. Work from the Experimental Station at Morden, Man. (Inv. #23425) 12 $
WALLACE, Clarke «Wanted: Donald Morrison. The True Story of the Megantic Outlaw» Toronto, Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1977. VIII,221,(1) p. (22 cm). Original cloth and dust jacket. Map endpapers and illustrations. (Inv. #22600) 15 $
WALLACE, Frederick William «Canadian Ports and Shipping Directory. A Manual of essential information respecting Canadian Ports and Shipping Services for Ship Owners, Brokers, Charterers and Shipmasters interested in Trade with Canada» Gardenvale, Que., National Publications Ltd., 1934. 308 p. (23 cm). Original cloth. Map and illustrations. (Inv. #2884) 25 $
WALLACE, Paul A.W «The White Roots of Peace» Oshweken, 1998. 99 p. (22 cm). Portraits and illustrations. (Inv. #38619) 20 $
WALLACE, W. Stewart «A First Book of Canadian History» Toronto, The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1928. 246 p. (19 cm). Publisher's cloth. Portraits, maps and illustrations. (Inv. #37274) 15 $