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(ALBERTA) «Cattolica. A reference for daily use in the Catholic Home, with Special Articles written by master minds of the Catholic Faith; also the Catholic Calendar, Text and General Information pertaining to the Parishes of St. Albert, Edmonton and Strathcona» Alberta, 1912. 186 p. (22 cm). Portraits and illustrations. Covers worn but content in good condition. (Inv. #26711)
25 $
(ALBERTA) «Facts and Figures; prepared by the Alberta Bureau of Statistics, Department of Industries and Labour» Edmonton, 1954. 372 p. (28 cm). Tables and illustrations. Small piece of paper missing from the spine. (Inv. #5815)
20 $
(ALBERTA) «Place-Names of Alberta» Ottawa, Geographic Board of Canada, 1928. 138,(6) p. (25 cm). Large folded coloured map. Compilation of Alberta place-names and their origins. (Inv. #17360)
20 $
(ALBERTA) «Rapport de la Commission nommée pour faire l'examen de la Montagne à la Tortue, Frank, Alberta, 1911» Ottawa, Bureau de l'Imprimerie Nationale, 1913. 38,(19) p. (26 cm). Ministère des Mines, Division de la Commission Géologique, Mémoire #27. Cartes dépliantes en couleurs et 19 planches bien illustrées, l'une repliée. (Inv. #25824)
25 $
(ALBERTA) «The Existing Financial System In Relation to Post-War Reconstruction. Being the Interim Report by the Sub-Committee on Finance of the Alberta Post-War Reconstruction Committee» (Edmonton), A. Shnitka, King's Printer, 1943. 119 p. (17 cm). An official government publication issued by the Alberta Publicity and Travel Bureau. (Inv. #20609)
35 $
ALCOCK, Frederick James «A Century in the History of the Geological Survey of Canada» Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, 1948. VII,94 p. (23 cm). Monochrome photographs, portraits; good condition. (Inv. #38753)
15 $
(ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS) «"Fifty Years with Gratitude". A Family Album and Souvenir of the International A.A. Convention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 4-7, 1985» New York, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc., 1985. 71 p. (28 cm). Original cloth; profusely illustrated. (Inv. #54)
35 $
(ALCOOL) «(A.A.) "Alcooliques Anonymes". Une Introduction...» Montréal, Les Publications Françaises A.A., Inc., (1970). 14,(1) p. (15 cm). Titre de la couverture cartonnée. (Inv. #26696)
12 $
(ALCOOL) «La Tempérance, Bulletin de Vie Saine. Numéro Souvenir du "Jubilé d'Argent", 1906-1931» Laprairie, RR.PP. Franciscains, Juin 1931. (64) p. (23 cm). Nombreux portraits. Série de lettres d'appréciation provenant des Archevêques et Évêques du Canada ainsi que l'historique du bulletin "La Tempérance" et de textes visant l'amélioration des moeurs. (Inv. #10885)
15 $
(ALCOOL) «Premier Congrès de Tempérance du Diocèse de Québec, 1910. ? Compte Rendu» Québec, Secrétariat des ?uvres de l'Action Sociale Catholique, 1911. 798 p. (26 cm). Reliure en toile d'origine. (Inv. #17719)
45 $

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