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Demandes spéciales  

Agriculture, Vie en Forêt, Sciences Naturelles       

WINTLE, Ernest Douglas «The Birds of Montreal» Montreal, W. Drysdale & Co., 1896. XIV,281 p. (23 cm), Original decorated cloth. Illustrations and map. A beautiful and scarce book. Nice copy. (Inv. #20377)
125 $
WOOD, Lt. -Colonel William «Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador. An Address Presented by Lt.-Colonel William Wood, F.R.S.C. Before the Second Annual Meeting of the Commission of Conservation at Quebec, January, 1911» Ottawa, 1912. 38 p. (25 cm). Very nice set. Uncommon. (Inv. #1491)
65 $
WOODING, F.H «De la Seine aux Casiers» Ottawa, Ministère des Pêcheries du Canada, 1953. 19 p. (26 cm). Les méthodes de pêche commerciales au Canada. Très illustré. (Inv. #4471)
20 $
WOODING, F.H «Purse Seines to Lobster Pots» Ottawa, Department of Fisheries of Canada, 1952. 19 p. (26 cm). Profusely illustrated, nice item. (Inv. #18072)
20 $
WOODING, Frederick H «Les mammifères sauvages du Canada» la Prairie, Éditions Marcel Broquet, 1984. 272 p. (24 cm). Reliure de l'éditeur et jaquette illustrée. Volume profusément illustré en couleurs, cartes. (Inv. #38884)
35 $
(WOODSLEE, ONT) «Dominion Experimental Substation, Woodslee, Ontario; J.W. Aylesworth, B.S.A., M.S., Officer-in-Charge. - Progress Report 1947-1953» Ottawa, Department of Agriculture, Experimental Farms Service, 1955. 32 p. (25 cm). Cover title; tables. (Inv. #5060)
15 $
WRESSELL, H.B «Control of the European Corn Borer in sweet corn» Chatham, Ont., Canada Department of Agriculture, Entomology Laboratory, 1954. 8 p. (25 cm). Publication 909. Cover title; illustrations. (Inv. #4119)
12 $

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