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Science, Technologie, Ressources / Science, Technology, Resources       

BLACK, W.A «Extracts Relating to the Navigability of Canadian Inland Waterways» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1956. IV,55 p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 7, Miscellaneous Paper Series. (Inv. #5795)
20 $
BLACK, W.A «Gulf of St. Lawrence Ice Survey, Winter 1957» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1957. 13,(32) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 14. Maps and photographs. (Inv. #6735)
20 $
BLACK, W.A «Gulf of St. Lawrence Ice Survey, Winter 1958» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1958. 26,(30) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 19. Illustrations. (Inv. #6737)
20 $
BLACK, W.A «Gulf of St. Lawrence Ice Survey, Winter, 1959» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1960. 41,(15) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 23. Illustrations. (Inv. #6739)
20 $
BLACK, W.A. & FORWARD, C.N «Gulf of St. Lawrence Ice Survey, Winter 1956» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, (1957). VII,(37) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 12. Maps, tables and illustrations. (Inv. #6733)
20 $
BOLTON, Thomas E «Catalogue of Type Invertebrate Fossils of the Geological Survey of Canada. Volume I» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1960. IV,215 p. (25 cm). Original cloth. (Inv. #3077)
25 $
BOURBONNIÈRE, Avila «Manuel pratique de l'électricité. Un traité complet en langue française : système moderne pour les électriciens et les mécaniciens. Principes, fonctionnement, conduite, entretien des machines électriques, etc., avec glossaire français-anglais» Montréal, 1922. 194,(1) p. (17 cm). Reliure de l'édition. Portraits et illustrations. (Inv. #15050)
35 $
BOURGOIN, Louis «Savants Modernes: leur vie, leur oeuvre» Montréal, Éditions de l'Arbre, 1947. 367 p. (20 cm). Illustré de 25 portraits par Agnès Lefort. (Inv. #19469)
15 $
BOURGOIN, Louis «Science sans douleur» Montréal, Éditions de la Revue Moderne, 1943. 249 p. (20 cm). Causeries radiophoniques prononcées sur les ondes de Radio-Canada. Illustré par Agnès Lefort. (Inv. #19484)
20 $
BOYD, Hugh «Seaway of Destiny» Toronto, Canadian Association for Adult Education & the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1951. 17 p. (21 cm). From the "Behind the Headlines" Series, Vol. XI No. 7. Illustrations. International views and projected difficulties of constructing the St. Lawrence Seaway. Very good copy. (Inv. #19491)
15 $

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