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(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Pedogeography of Canada» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1956. II,24 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 12 (Revised Edition). Original cards. (Inv. #17145)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Selected Bibliography of Canadian Geography with Imprint 1953» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1955. IV,61 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 14. Original cards. (Inv. #19511)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Selected Bibliography of Canadian Geography with Imprint 1954» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1955. V,56 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 15. Original card wraps. (Inv. #19512)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Selected Bibliography of Canadian Geography with Imprint 1955» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Imprint, 1956. IX,61 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 17. Original card wrappers. (Inv. #19513)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Selected Bibliography of Canadian Geography with Imprint 1956» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1957. IX,62 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 19. Original card wraps. (Inv. #19514)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY) «Selected Bibliography on Sea Ice Distribution in the Coastal Waters of Canada» Ottawa, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1957. 50 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 18. Original cards. (Inv. #19516)
20 $
(BIBLIOGRAPHY; COOK, Frank A) «Selected Bibliography on Canadian Permafrost. Annotations and Abstracts» Ottawa, Dept of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch, 1958. 23 p. (26 cm). Bibliographical Series No. 20. Original cards. (Inv. #19515)
20 $
BIRD, J.B. & BIRD, M.B «Notes on Potential Building Sites in the Bathurst Inlet Area, N.W.T.» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1957. 14 p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 8, Miscellaneous Paper Series. (Inv. #16420)
20 $
BLACK, W.A «A Report on Sea Ice Conditions in the Eastern Arctic, Summer 1956» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1957. 21,(10) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 9, Miscellaneous Paper Series. Maps and illustrations. (Inv. #817)
20 $
BLACK, W.A «An Illustrated Glossary of Ice Types in the Gulf of St. Lawrence» Ottawa, Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1957. VII,(37) p. (28 cm). Geographical Paper No. 11. Profusely illustrated with photographs. (Inv. #1439)
20 $

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