Catalogue 367

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(GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA) «Annual Report (New Series), Volume IX. Reports A.F.I.L.M.R.S., 1896» Ottawa, Printed by S.E. Dawson, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, , 1898. 144 p. (25 cm). Original cloth, numerous folding maps. Title comprises: "Report of the Doobaunt, Kazan and Ferguson Rivers and the North-West Coast of Hudson Bay and on Two overland routes from Hudson Bay to Lake Winnipeg" (J. Burr Tyrrell) 218 p. Illustrations. / "Report on the Geology of the French River Sheet, Ontario" (Robert Bell) 29 p. Illustrations, map. / "Report on a Traverse of the Northern Part of the Labrador Peninsula from Richmond Gulf to Ungava Bay" (A.P. Low). / "Report on the Geology of South-West Nova Scotia embracing the Counties of Queen's, Sherlburne, Yarmouth, Digby and Part of Annapolis" (L.W. Bailey) 154 p. Illustrations. / "Report of the Section of Chemistry and Mineralogy" (G. Christian Hoffmann) 55 p. / "Section of Mineral Statistics and Mines Annual Report for 1896" (E. Drew Ingall) 172 p. / Also and Index of 11 pages for Vol. IX. (Inv. #39414)
125 $
GRANT, Rev. George M «Ocean to Ocean. Sandford Fleming's Expedition through Canada in 1872. By the Rev. George M. Grant of Halifax, N.S., Secretary to the Expedition. Revised edition containing the best features of the two former editions, published in 1873 and 1879. ILLUSTRATED» Toronto, The Radisson Society of Canada Limited, 1925. XXI,412 p. (25 cm). Limited edition of 974 copies. Nice leatherette binding with gilt decoration on spine, being Volume XIII of "Master-Works of Canadian Authors". Very good copy. (Inv. #16745)
35 $
HARVUT, Hippolyte «Les Malouins à Terre-Neuve et les droits de la France sur cette Ile d'après documents authentiques» Rennes, Typographie Oberthur, 1893. 20 p. (25 cm). À partir de la fin des années 1580 les pêcheurs de Saint-Malo jouèrent à Terre-Neuve un rôle majeur dans le conflit avec les Inuits et on accentua leur domination commerciale et leur puissance militaire. Titre rarissime! (Inv. #38971)
75 $
HORE, Reginald E. ed «The Canadian Mining Manual, 1918. A handbook of information concerning the Minerals and Mines of Canada» Toronto, Mines Publishing Co., 1919. VII,352 p. (29 cm). Original cloth; portraits and illustrations. Binding slightly worn. (Inv. #20438)
30 $
JAMESON, Anna «Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada» Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1923. 443 p. (21 cm). Original pictorial cloth; illustrations. Ontario as it was in 1836 & 1837. Good copy. (Inv. #22654)
25 $
JELLICOE, John Rushworth «Rapport de l'Amiral de la Flotte le Vicomte Jellicoe de Scapa, G.C.E., O.M., G.C.V.O. sur la Mission Navale au Canada en novembre et décembre 1919» Ottawa, J. de Labroquerie Taché, 1920. 59 p. (25 cm). Rapport d'un célèbre Amiral Britannique de la Première Guerre Mondiale et homme d'État. Titre rare! Tableaux nombreux, cachet. (Inv. #35168)
25 $
JOLICOEUR, Catherine «Les plus belles Légendes Acadiennes» Montréal, Stanké, 1981. 280 p. (23 cm). Illustrations de Nérée de Grâce et cartes. (Inv. #39382)
25 $
LAUVRIÈRE, Émile «La Tragédie d'un Peuple. Histoire du peuple Acadien de ses origines à nos jours. Avec 88 illustrations, dont 22 cartes» (2 volumes). Paris, Librairie Henry Goulet, 1924. XVI,507 & 596 p. (23 cm). Reliures en toile d'époque, cachets mais bonne condition. (Inv. #28616)
75 $
(MANITOBA) «Manitoba Authors. / Écrivains du Manitoba» Ottawa, Bibliothèque Nationale du Canada, 1970. (21 cm). Portraits. Biographie et bibliographie d'auteurs Manitobains lors d'une exposition pour le Centenaire du Manitoba. Environ 125 pages. (Inv. #14941)
20 $
MORGAN, Henry James ed «The Dominion Annual Register and Review for the seventeenth year of the Canadian Union, 1883» Toronto, Hunter, Rose & Company, 1884. 505 p. (22 cm). Original cloth and gilt text. Nice copy. (Inv. #20559)
45 $

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