MORLEY, William Felix Edmund «The Atlantic Provinces: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island» Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1967. XX,137,(12) p. (26 cm). Publisher's cloth and pictorial dust jacket. From the Series "Canadian Local Histories to 1950. A Bibliography". Nice copy with plates and maps; important item about towns and parishes of the Atlantic Provinces. (Inv. #20364) 25 $
O'DEA, Agnes C. (compiled by) «Bibliography of Newfoundland» (2 volumes). Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1986. XX,826; (827)-1450 pages. (24 cm). Publisher's cloth, out of print. This is the definitive bibliography of Newfoundland & Labrador with 6299 entries including author, title and subject indexes. (Inv. #36502) 45 $
(OTTAWA) «Programme-Souvenir, Jubilé d'Or 1889-1939, Paroisse du Sacré-Coeur d'Ottawa le 25 juin 1939» Ottawa, La Cie d'Imprimerie Commerciale, (1939). 84 p. (26 cm). Portraits et illustrations, lettre-préface de Lucien Scheffer, o.m.i., curé. Titre de la couverture. (Inv. #26217) 25 $
PATTERSON, William J «Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting of the Dominion Board of Trade held at Ottawa, on 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th January, 1872.» Montreal, Gazette Printing House, 1872. 111 p. (22 cm). Modern buckram vellum binding, printed wraps preserved. Multiple tables. (Inv. #23253) 25 $
RAMEAU DE SAINT-PÈRE, François-Edme «Une Colonie Féodale en Amérique, l'Acadie (1604-1881)» Paris, Librairie Plon, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie & Montréal, Granger Frères Libraires-Éditeurs, 1889. XXXII,365 p. (18 cm). Tome premier de deux; reliure en toile, exemplaire en bonne condition. Ouvrage essentiel sur l'Acadie offert à petit prix. Ce tome couvre la période 1604-1713. (Inv. #38038) 45 $
ROBIDOUX, Ferdinand J. (compilé par) «Conventions Nationales des Acadiens. - Recueil des Travaux et Délibérations des six premières Conventions. - Vol. I: Memramcook, Miscouche, Pointe de l'Église: 1881, 1884, 1890» Shédiac, N.B., Imprimerie du Moniteur Acadien, 1907. XXIX,281 p. (22 cm). Introduction de Pascal Poirier. Exemplaire en très belle condition, titre rare! (Inv. #36069) 35 $
ROGER, Charles «The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation. Volume 1» (All published). Quebec, Peter Sinclair, 1856. V,412 p. (22 cm). Original blind decorated green cloth, gilt spine titles, only volume published. History of Canada from 1534 to 1824 showing much interest of economic problems. Library stamps but a good copy. (Inv. #30368) 35 $
(SANTÉ MENTALE) «L'Hygiène mentale et l'Éducation. Premier Congrès annuel, 19-22 juin 1940» Ottawa, les Éditions du Lévrier, 1940. 183 p. (24 cm). Les méthodes scientifiques dans l'Éducation. (Inv. #36223) 20 $
SCHULL, Joseph «The Far Distant Ships. An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations in the Second World War» Ottawa, Minister of National Defence, 1961. XIX,527 p. (22 cm), Publisher's cloth & dust jacket. Profusely illustrated. (Inv. #20615) 20 $
SETON, Ernest Thompson «Ernest Thompson Seton in Manitoba, 1882-1892» Winnipeg, Manitoba Naturalists Society, 1980. (24 cm). Introduction by C. Stuart Houston with his signature. Portrait, maps and illustrations. About 250 pages. (Inv. #38896) 15 $