LECOMPTE, Édouard «Une Vierge Iroquoise: Catherine Tekakwitha, le Lis des bords de la Mohawk et du St-Laurent (1656-1680)» Montréal, Imprimerie du Messager, 1930. 300 p. (19 cm). Illustrations, cartes et portraits. (Inv. #27990) 15 $
MASTA, Henry Lorne «Abenaki Indian Legends, Grammar and Place Names» Victoriaville, La Voix des Bois-Francs, 1932. 110 p. (22 cm). With portraits and music. Very scarce title by author, former Head Chief at Odanak (Quebec). Nice condition. (Inv. #914) 125 $
MÉLANÇON, Claude «Légendes indiennes du Canada» Montréal, Éditions du Jour, 1967. 160 p. (21 cm). Nombreuses illustrations; folklore des Indiens d'Amérique. (Inv. #37736) 20 $
MIERTSCHING, Johann «Frozen Ships. The Arctic Diary of Johann Miertsching, 1850-1854» Toronto, Macmillan, 1967. XVIII,254 p. (23 cm). Original cloth and pictorial dust jacket; translated and with introduction and notes by L.H. Neatby. With 4 illustrations and 2 maps in text. Diary of this Moravian missionary who served as interpreter aboard the ship Investigator who went searching for Sir John Franklin and spent 4 years in the Arctic. (Inv. #37748) 15 $
MILLER, James Rodger «Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens. A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada» Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991. XI,351,(23) p. (23 cm). Revised edition. Maps and illustrations. (Inv. #38617) 20 $
MILLER, Polly «Lost Heritage of Alaska. The Adventure and Art of the Alaskan Coastal Indians» Cleveland & New York, The World Publishing Co., 1967. XV,289 p. (25 cm). Original decorated cloth. Profusely illustrated, some in colour, map endpapers. With Canadian content. (Inv. #22985) 20 $
PETITOT, Émile «Among the Chiglit Eskimos» Edmonton, The University of Alberta, 1981. XI,202 p. (28 cm). Occasional Publication #10 of the Boreal Institute For Northern Studies; translated from the French by Dr E.O. Hohn. Illustrations and maps. (Inv. #37790) 20 $
VERREAU, Hospice-Anthelme «Les véritables motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Société de Notre-Dame de Montréal» Montréal, Imprimé par Berthiaume et Sabourin, 1880. XLVII,94 p. (25 cm). "Mémoires de la Société Historique de Montréal", 9e livraison. Le texte fut attribué à Jean-Jacques Olier et le faux-titre inscrit: "Les véritables motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Société Notre-Dame de Montréal pour la conversion des sauvages de la Nouvelle-France". (Inv. #35625) 35 $