Catalogue 361

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REEVES, Hubert   «L'heure de s'enivrer. L'univers a-t-il un sens?»   Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1986. 279 p. (21 cm). Illustrations. L'astrophysique, la cosmologie et le contrôle des armes nucléaires. (Inv. #37427)
15   $
REEVES, Hubert   «Patience dans l'azur. L'évolution cosmique»   Sillery, Presses de l'Université du Québec, Québec Science, 1982. 258,(12),(32) p. (22 cm). Avec 32 pages de planches et de fort nombreuses illustrations. (Inv. #37426)
15   $
TAYLOR, Henry   «A System of the Creation of our Globe, of the Planets, and the Sun of our System, Founded on the First Chapter of Genesis, on the Geology of the Earth, and on Modern discoveries in that Science, and the Known Operations of the Laws of Nature, as proved by the discovries (sic) of Lavoisier, and others, in pneumatic chemistry, by M. Arago's, astronomical discoveries lately made at the Paris Observatory: by Professor Faraday's recent lecture on "Further Researches in Magnetism", and other discoveries in Modern Astronomy. The Ninth Edition, Revised and Enlarged, by Henry Taylor. And containing the great discovery of the cause of the Magnetic variations of the Marine Compasses by the British Association of Great Britain»   Quebec, printed by Bureau and Marcotte, (1855). 212,(1) p. (19 cm). Original cloth with printed label on upper cover. Nice condition and a scarce title. (Inv. #855)
40   $
THE DODDS MEDICINE COMPANY   «Dodd's Indices Utiles pour les Ménagères»   Toronto, 1942. 32 p. (18 cm). Portraits et illustrations. Couvertures illustrées en couleurs. Il s'agit surtout de "recettes" médicales. (Inv. #5033)
20   $

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